
Inspiring Blogger Tag & Small Joy Tags

Inspiring Blogger’s Tag

Thank you so much Aditi for giving me this .It really means a lot. To all my followers who haven’t checked her site please go to and follow her.She posts beautiful quotes and intersting hobbies you can opt during quarantine. I am sure you would like her site ,its really amazing.

The rules are:

  • Thank the person who chose you.
  • Include the logo in your post.
  • Answer the questions asked to you.
  • Choose the bloggers who’ve inspired you (maximum 10)
  • Add a feature of their blog which you admire.
  • Ask them five questions.

My answers to Aditi’s questions :-

  1. Which Harry Potter character do you relate to the most? I relate myself to Hermione..
  2. Which Percy Jackson/The Mortal Instruments Character do you relate to the most? I haven’t read them .I will surely read them.
  3. Describe yourself in 6 words . Bird lover , book lover ,Harry Potter series lover , hate cooking, love to hang out with friends. That all in 6 .I can even explain in 100 if you want…
  4. What would your friends describe you as? Witty .I DON’T USE MY WIT IN DOING ANY WRONG THINGS.
  5. Do you think that the egg came first or the hen? I don’t remember where but I read it somewhere egg came first. So yes I believe egg came first.

My nominees for Inspiring Blogger Tag :-

  1. Aanya from Soaring Firebolt publishes amazing Harry Potter facts which you may not have known.
  2. Vaniheart publishes interesting heart touching stories which are excellent .
  3. Introverted thoughts from Random Specific Thoughts posts book reviews of Harry Potter series, DIY crafts , beautiful poems and interesting stories.
  4. Fairywitch She is an awesome blogger who publishes blogs about beauty hacks , health and cooking.
  5. Amit posts fitness blogs with tips for workouts that I feel whould be very beneficial for you .
  6. Anjali Khanal publishes amazing stories in both hindi and English .Her stories are very interesting and teaches us many life lessons too .
  7. Aaliyazoya posts wonderful reviews of interesting books  and finger liking recipes that I really enjoyed.
  8. Arniket Rai has his Shayari site where he posts beautiful heart touching quotes and Shayari. Some of his quotes have become my favorite .
  9. Ashee Asiwal is very talented. She posts her beautiful drawings and mesmerizing poems. I love her small beautifully explained poems . And her drawings are out of my words .
  10. Kamal Shrestha writes beautiful short stories and poems.   Kamal’s stories are a great inspiration for me as I learnt many things from it .

Questions to my nominees:

  1. When is your birthday ? Most precious gift that you would cherish lifelong?
  2. Your favorite short story from O Henry .
  3. Do you like MATHS ?
  4. What about cooking?
  5. Your phobia.

Small Joy Tags I, II, III & IV

Thank you so much Aanya, Vaniheart , Introverted thoughts and Aaliyazoya for tagging me. It really means a lot . I loved reading all your small joys. Here’s mine but before that I would like to request my followers to follow you all.

Aanya from Soaring Firebolt publishes amazing Harry Potter facts which you may not have known. I am sure your would definitely like her posts if you are a Potterhead. Kindly visit and follow her to know more such facts.

Shivani from Vaniheart publishes interesting heart touching stories. Her stories are too are a great inspiration for me as it also taught me many things. I also loved reading her answers that she for different award nominations . I am sure you would like her interesting stories. Please do follow her to read more of her stories.

Introverted thoughts from Random Specific Thoughts posts book reviews of Harry Potter series, DIY crafts , beautiful poems and interesting stories. Recently she did a collab with Aanya. I am sure you would like her amazing site .Kindly visit and follow her to stay tuned to her latest posts.

Aaliyazoya posts wonderful reviews of interesting books and finger liking recipes that I really enjoyed. Please follow her at :// for some awesome posts that you will enjoy.


  1. Thank the blogger who tagged you
  2. List 15 of your small joys
  3. Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy-feel free to say why😙

My 15 Joys :-

  1. I love having chocolate.
  2. Bird watching and feeding them.
  3. Hanging out with friends.
  4. Reading novels.
  5. My biggest fandom HARRY POTTER series. Love it re-reading and re-watching the movies
  6. Writing stories.
  7. I love rainy days .
  8. Drinking coffee …
  9. I love to irritate one street dog . That dog is a sleepy one with pink nose. So I kept the dog’s name as Mr. Pink Nose .
  10. I also enjoy art and crafts.
  11. I have a swing in my garden on which I relax and enjoy very much.
  12. I enjoy my school hours especially lunch time gossips with friends.
  13. I get tremendous pleasure in irritating my brother.
  14. I love shopping .
  15. I enjoy eating paneer items.

I tag: (4 nominations so 5×4 =20 nominees)

  1. Hannah Gandhi
  2. Aditi Gupta
  3. Navneet Kumar
  4. Denise Choong
  5. Nawazish
  6. Saniasparkle
  7. Era
  8. A. & V. Travel
  9. Shanessa
  10. Simran Totlani
  11. Yaiman
  12. Tanya Janghel
  13. David Redpath
  14. Kally
  15. Sufyan 03
  16. Christin
  17. Hemalatha Ramesh
  18. The lonelyauthorblog
  19. Janis
  20. Fairywitch

Thank you once again Aditi ,Aanya ,Aanya ,Vaniheart , Introverted thoughts and Aaliyazoya for tagging me.Stay safe and blessed.

151 replies on “Inspiring Blogger Tag & Small Joy Tags”

Congratulations! It looks like we’ve got some things in common 😀
(P.S: I’ve resent my comment because there was some issues while posting the original one)

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1. My birthday is in November 30. My most precious gift is ofcourse my little sister, She’s the best.

2. Don’t hate me, But I have not read a single story by O Henry! But I will definitely take a look now.

3. I hated maths when I was in School, now that I am in college, I absolutely love it. It’s just so much fun to deal with numbers.

4. I am very fond of cooking. If I get started once, You can barely stop me in the kitchen. I m the most versatile chef of my house! 😅

5. I am afraid of Speed since my accident and I have a fear of heights too!

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Loved reading your answers👍. Sorry to hear about your fear of speed. I am sure, with time it will disappear. I don’t like cooking that’s why I asked this question and everyone replied they love cooking including you.I think I am the only one 😭😭😭😭😭

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