
Mirror Image…..(Part II)

After completing my engineering degree I was preparing for my first campus selection interview. Mom gave a spoonful of curd to eat and put kumkum on my forehead. I touched her and dad’s feet and folded hands in front of my departed granny’s photo and waved goodbye. My interview was over and I got selected. I was very excited and thought I have achieved the goal of my life. To share my joyous experience ,I accelerated my bike . Soon then I bumped with a bus………………..

All of a sudden everything thing stopped and I felt a deep silence. The blood was dripping from my forehead but there was no pain. I was feeling light and my mind was cool and relaxed. Two familiar faces with a mild smile, forwarded their hands for support and picked me up.I was constantly trying to identify them. One of them asked ‘Are you Ok’ I nodded my head. Another person asked ‘Do you want to take some rest before going to your home.’ Without thinking I said ‘Yes sure’ and closed my eyes.

After a deep sleep when I opened my eyes found my granny standing besides them.I was joyous but at the same time surprised. I asked granny ‘How come you’re here, you had gone, gone to heaven !!!!!!!’ Granny first hugged me and said ‘My dear son you have come here’ I asked ‘Where?’ She replied ‘The ultimate destination– Heaven’. The quest which conquered my heart and soul for years was in front of me.

I started running here and there but nothing was new. Granny said ‘Yes dear ‘nothing is new here, It is the mirror image of the place we used to live, the only difference is that……

Heaven = Earth – (greed+desires+anger+selfish love)

Soulful volunteers are send to the earth in the form of human beings, animals and plants to create a heaven on the earth itself with the help of others nonliving things. All others creatures other than humans are constantly performing their roles in creating a better world i.e. heaven. We should be thankful to God that amongst all the souls we have got an opportunity to volunteer this noble work. The main purpose of our incarnation was to create a heaven on the earth by removing greed, desires, anger and selfish love. But after talking birth we humans get busy in achieving our materialistic goals and forget the purpose of life. God gave you a heart to love with, not to hate with, God gave you the ability to create Heaven on earth, not Hell.

The pure perfect truth of life is that we are here to create heaven on earth, to bring the perfection of what is above, down to us, and in doing so to become transformed as human being into something great and beautiful.

For this one has to experienced all the shades of life and learn the life lessons that is– suffering, happiness, illnesses, sacrifice, mental instability, fear, depression, loneliness, responsibilities, sharing and compatibilit, poverty, prosperity, love, friendship,success etc.

That God became man indicates only this; that man should not seek his salvation in eternity, but rather establish his heaven on earth.

After listening to all this I felt that I had wasted my life just in achieving materialistic goals and had not contributed anything for the benefit of mankind. Will almighty God give me another chance……….

194 replies on “Mirror Image…..(Part II)”

WOW !!! You’re having a great skill of writing . 🤩🤩🤩 . Especially this post admired me a lot . I am spell bound of your talent . Your do rock dear 👏👏👏👏❣️❣️❣️❣️

Liked by 11 people

*Sleep comprising wishes, hopes, *&* dreams minus nightmares demonstrate how powerful the Imagination that store those intangible values keep in storage until you published them in a tangible post herein this day=fantastic work great !*

Liked by 8 people

The truth of life is to create heaven on earth.
Such a profound piece…feel great to have passed by. No regrets whatsoever.

Thanks for the love

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