
Silent Conversation

Years ago when his father and mother died in an road accident, the 19 year old son was left alone being superstitious. The reason behind his staunch superstitious beliefs is nothing more but the depression and loneliness caused due his parents death. He believed his parents died because of some stupid bad omen.

He is now 21, living alone and working since two years. He never paid attention to anything else other than his stupid beliefs. The birds hopped and chirped in his garden, dogs and cats walked and slept lazily around his house but he never bothered to look at them.

It was 10 pm and he was returning home from work. As soon as he reached the main gate of his house, a dog started howling facing towards him. It’s a death omen if dog howls facing towards you. He got very scared and depressed at the thought of his death . He started walking as he is half conscious .Seeing him, the dog gave a sharp bark as him to stop him .The man stood and watched the dog. ‘Why did you got scared when I howled? I was just calling my friends as you have returned back home?’ said the dog.’I would die if you howl facing towards me?’ replied the man.‘I was just giving signals to my friends so that we could provide you a grand welcome to your Sweet house .We observe everyday that you walk home tiredly and live alone!’ said the dog. The man didn’t replied anything and went back home . At night he dozed off thinking about the dog’s words .

As rays of sun entered ,the man’s sleep got over and was then prepared for work. As soon as he stepped out of his house, he remembered yesterday’s incident. He got sad and depressed again and soon then he saw a black cat crossing his path. Seeing him horrified the cat came nearer to him and asked ‘Why did you get scared ? I was just going that side to feed my kittens ? I didn’t want to do so! You are like my friend. I eat your leftovers from the dustbin. Please forgive me friend.’ The man in return said ‘ It’s a bad luck, yesterday I received a death omen’. He went back home and took a day’s leave.

In afternoon he was drinking coffee, sitting in his balcony ,the chirping of birds stole his attention. The birds hopped and played ,and the man enjoyed watching them. One of the bird started hovering over the black cute kitten, the dogs were playing with a old red cloth. It was delightful scene which took off all the stress, worries of man and he was found laughing after such long time. The black cat whom he was talked in morning along with the the dog who howled last night came towards him and said ‘We are just God’s creation as you are! We don’t believe in such beliefs as you do except one – God never created any bad omen, it’s just a hindrance (over thinking) to living our lives the fullest. You are our friend and we want you to be happy. God has send us to act a bridge between him and the living beings.We don’t want to kill or disturb you, dear friend ‘.

The man got emotional and was in a verge of crying.The birds came flying towards him and all of them wished him a very happy birthday. And soon then he realized it was his birthday which he forgot. It was the first time since his parents death that he got happy so much. He asked them ‘How did you all know my birthday ?’ .’We came to know it , from the letter you received from your grandma’ said the dog. And the man realized that he was so depressed that he didn’t even bother to read the letter, assuming it to be an official one. It was his best birthday ever. From this day he stopped believing all superstitions and started loving and caring about animals.

He understood animals are the hidden souls that can always speak, without even making a sound, to another soul.……………..

Note: This story is dedicated and inspired by ‘Mr. Pink nose‘ 💖 my favorite street dog 🐕 whom I talk with, without any words and he understands my emotions without any flaws.

254 replies on “Silent Conversation”

Dulcy, this blew me away 👍😂😂. I would file this under the category of touching; I really felt the profound grief and emotion and sadness in this tale.

I could tell that he was going through alot because he lost 2 of his closest and dear relatives, and something like that could not be easy to live with by any stretch-of-the-imagination. But to go day-to-day as he was doing feeling constantly sad and depressed under the impression that there is some omen or curse is no way to live.

In life, you reap what you sow, so if he never did anything too terrible or despicable, there is no way that the unfortunate tragedy of his relatives was due to some “curse”. What happened is more to do with the reality that life isn’t “perfect”, so unfortunately this means that bad things happen. Since I know that they loved him, they certainly would not want him to waste his life just being sad and depressed about their passing.

I like that at the end, there was a big surprise, where, it was revealed to be his birthday by the animals hahaa 🤣🤟🥳🥳. What is also even just as interesting is how these sequence of events followed his mood-change when the birds came by lol. That reminds me of how in the bible, birds were often associated with the sign of positivity and uplifting occasions, so it is lovely how there are similarities in your story of the birds playing on the man’s property lightened-up his mood, to the positive symbolic nature of birds in the bible, comparatively speaking 😂.

And the fact that you mentioned “Mr. Pink nose” at the end as your main inspiration for this, is absolutely adorable to me hahaa ❤ ❤ ❤

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Appreciated 💫 💫. I wish you a good day and next time you see Mr. Pink nose 🐕, please give your furry friend a pat on the head for me 😄. That gesture is equivalent to 1 wordpress like in the dog kingdom lol

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😀 how can I teach an amazing blogger like you. Frankly speaking I prefer to read others posts than writings my own stories. Only ones in a while I publish something. Best wishes 💕😊


Yes !! thanks a lot, Now I decided to help the Student who are unable to take Coaching classes like me, So I started collecting information about under graduate courses. Soon I’m going to publish complete courses of UG & PG.

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आप को एडवांस में
बहुत बहुत बधाई हो
आप के फोलोवर्स
1000 होने वाले है
मुझे बहुत खुशी होगी
जब आप 10,000
तक पहुँचोगे।।✌️

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आप का बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया , प्राथना कीजिए कि मैं औऱ उम्दा लिख सकू आपकी तरह 😊😇

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ये तो कुछ
ज्यादा ही हो गया
देवी जी
क्यो इतना चढ़ा रहे हो हमे
हम इंसान ही बेहतर बने
यही तमन्ना लिए आए यहा
कभी तो हम भी बेतहर बने।।

आपने कहा भटको मत
लिखो कुछ वहां
जो भी बनेंगे,बदौलत आपकी
कभी तो कुछ बनेंगे यहा।।

चाहत बेहतर इंसान बने
ओर कोई स्वार्थ हमे नही

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I am amazed with your storytelling talent dear little wordsmith, every story is so beautiful with a deep and wonderful message.
Superstitions are the senseless creation of human mind, every living & non living thing has its importance here so its injustice to ignore them however I love how adorably you dedicated the story to Mr Pink rose.
Stay blessed & Keep writing like this.🥰👼

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Thanks for your lovely and encouraging comment it really boosted me up. You too are an amazing blogger who’s willing skill is very impressive. You too keep sharing your thoughtful posts like this, have a great day ahead 😀 👍🏻💕

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Thanks a lot for appreciating my story as well as reading my story dear. It really means a lot.
Congrats on your Award Roshni🥳🥳🎉🎉
Thanks for nominating me,I really appreciate it and feel honoured by this kind gesture Of yours. But I am really sorry, I am Award free now. Feel free to replace my name with someone else…

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My pleasure!!
No problem at all! I won’t replace your name because I want the readers from my site who don’t know about yours, to come here and see your beautiful blog!

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Wir selbst
sind Tiere

mit allen

allen Tatsachen
und Dingen
aus dem Kern

im Universum

alles Leben
spricht seit
in das hier und jetzt
zu uns

ob wir dem
in unseren Herzen
hören wollen
oder auch nicht


We ourselves
are animals

with all

all facts
and things
from the core

in the universe

all life
speaks since
Primeval times
in the here and now
to us

whether we that
in our hearts
want to hear
or not

Herzliche Grüße

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and thank you for being such a mind-catching writer that captures the imgination with your story subject matter writings!

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This brought tears to my eyes, Dulcy. You have a real gift for writing. More than that, you have a pure heart. Never let the world destroy that. Scripture says the pure of heart will see God (Matt. 5: 8). Clearly, you see Him in all His creation. May He bless and watch over you all your life. ❤ ❤ ❤

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Thanks you ma’am for your kind support and blessings 🙏 your encouragement really means a lot to me. Stay safe and blessed always. Keep sharing your posts and smiles like this always 😃😃💕💕

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