
Perfect Fit….

The trees and bushes had dressed with white veil,chimneys exhaling their black breath. The birds were shaking as if they were brushing off dirt from their clothes .Everyone was busy adorning themselves for Christmas. The four siblings were sneaking out of their balcony grill and deciding what to play next.Jim exclaimed ‘Ohoy! let’s make this Christmas memorable.Tim asked ‘How?’.’It will be a competition of making caps for ourselves.Will you all play?’said Jim.The other three replied in assertive .

Everyone ran towards the basket whose mouth was filled with wool. Sim, stepped back and waited thinking one-fourth will be left for him.Unfounately, his brother’s were not so as he thought. Jim the eldest brother took the most ,followed by Tim and Rim. Sim only got a handful of wool. He thought his cap would become small and he will loose the competition.

All the brothers were now set for turning their wool to yarn .They requested their grandma to spin wool to yarn.Grandma readily agreed and began spinning for each of them.Sim requested Jim to confer him some wool.Jim denied making an excuse that he is older than him so his cap would require more wool.Then he went and requested Tim,the second oldest son in family . He thought Tim is younger than Jim so he would require less and might offer some to him.Tim denying his request told, ‘if I offer you some then I will be in shortage. I have taken as much as I need”. Poor Sim was all disappointed and went to his third brother who was his only hope .Rim ,the third brother readily agreed and gave him the half he had.

Grandma spinned all their wool to yarn.The competition was then at the last phase.They all were determinedly knitting it to cute caps for themselves.

All the caps were knitted and the competition was over.”Let’s see who wins”said Jim grinninly who was all confident about his victory as he took ample amount of wool.”So, now let’s take a photograph wearing our caps” he added and started calling his father for clicking their photograph. “Dad? Dad where are you? Please click one photograph ,it’s going to be memorable “. He turned to his brothers and said “Remember boys, if your caps fit you perfectly you won!!”.

Sim took his cap and started walking on air!! His cap fitted him perfectly!! He noticed Rim, and he was also standing cheerfully. Sim and Rim started searching for the other two as they had got disappeared.” Ohoy Sim they are here!”Rim shouted . Jim and Tim’s caps were slightly bigger than their heads and they were looking funny wearing them. Sim and Rim, the winners started laughing uncontrollably . Seeing them laugh so much the losers too started laughing until a shutter sound was heard. A memorable photograph was captured in their father’s camera.

Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution.

– Stephen Covey

274 replies on “Perfect Fit….”

Thanks a lot for appreciating my work, it really means a lot. 😃😃
I would really love to take part, but sorry to say thank I am right now busy in preparing for my school’s exam which is just after durga puja.I am also not able to write for the post frequency just because of studies. Hope you understand my problem. Take care and stay safe 😊💕


Good morning 😃😃 I’m glad to loved it, your appreciation really means a lot. 😇😇
Stay blessed and safe always 😃
and keep sharing your thoughts and smiles like this always 💕

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Your appreciation really means a lot. Thanks for stopping by and reading my story. 😁😊
Hmmm exams are knocking at my door. 😖
Sorry I missed many of your posts. I will surely read it…

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Just wanted to stop by and say hello to my noble friend and inevatable graduate 🎓; a future specialist 💡🔭, a future author 📘✏, the future generation ✊. Knowing what I know about you, you are probably all of these things and more haha.

I wish you well in your studies and exams, and I also hope you have a blessed week ✌️✌️😄

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Hi 😊
Thank you😁…I am feeling very blessed today. I am blessed to have friends who like to talk to me , and you are one of them.
Thank you so much… I was my maths exam.I got 1 wrong due to silly mistake, others all are correct 😌😌.But that was a 3 marks Question.
I too wish the same for you..happy week to you.
It’s getting cold here,what about your place?

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Awww likewise Dulcy 🌺💞✌️. I am personally grateful towards the respect that you have for me and it is always great to be able to take a break from my typical wordpress schedule to read your wonderful topics and stories, and to see what you have on your mind haha.

Thanks for the update about your exams — it looks like you are doing very well in them which is AWESOME — keep up the good work buddy 👌💕😂

Yeah the weather from the start of the hurricane season right down to December, is usually very “dynamic” because you usually get alot of storms, wet conditions and rising sea levels associated with the hurricane season and then, almost immediately after that, you enter the Christmas season when the snow, blizzard and frosty elements start to take effect xD.

Where I am from it’s relatively ok now, but it tends to get a little colder and chillier in the week of Chirstmas 😂😂

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Thanks for visiting my blog always 😊 sorry for late reply I am really busy with my studies. 😕😕
You are fortunate to feel the snow ❄ and may this Christmas season be your best one.
Here also one after the other many festivals are also going on, but not able to enjoy a single one just because of my ongoing exams.
Just after exams, that will end on 13th we are having Diwali ( festivals of lights) on 14th that I will be able to enjoy hopefully. After Diwali we have Chhat Puja ( worship of Sun God) that I love the most it continues for three days.
Bye for now 👋 👋
Take care 😃

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Thank you for your very kind words my friend; I hope that you have a very unforgettable Christmas as well when that time comes 🌲⭐☃👌😄. Where I live, we just get colder weather conditions mostly in the week of Christmas and mainly in the night time but we don’t get any snow in my neck of the woods since it is mostly tropical, so it’s sunny most of the time haha. I have actually never seen snow in real life 😂😂

Yes, I understand how it is — I deeply apreciate your update about your exams and your replies, and I am fully behind you 100% on focusing attention to your studies because that’s much more important haha

Wow, the Diwali festivals sound very cool — don’t worry about not being able to attend any at the moment because your exams is only temporary but Diwali is going to be around for many generations, which means that you will still be able to enjoy them long after your exams are over. So take your time and focus on your exams and I am sure that, when the time is right, you will be able to get more invloved in fastivities again ❤ ❤

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Oh wow 😊
But where do you live??
I remember you told me once but I forgot 😅

Now only science remaining ( day after Tomorrow), then hurray hurray 🥳🥳🥳 as exams will get over.

Diwali is just after my last exam.but maybe this time I won’t be able to enjoy it with my friends because of this pandemic ..
And after that one more festival is there- chaat ,in this sun God is worshiped. it’s a festival of three days and it’s my favorite festival

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I am from the West Indies hahaa. A place with lots-and-lots of unique islands as opposed to continents lol.

Hahaha I am happy to hear that. Since it will be your last exam, don’t ease up; approach it with the same avid and studious frame of mind that you started with, and give it your best untill the very end 👍⭐💯😂

Yeah you are right; the pandemic is certainly going to pose lots of things to consider and I suspect that because of your age, your parents will be very cautious about the things that you do or potentailly putting you in harm’s way. But who knows, maybe if you prepare and follow the right precautions, you might still be able to take part in a way that’s suitable within the circumstances of the pandemic.

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Oh thank you so much for nominating me. It means a lot, I really appreciate your nomination 😊. It’s interesting but sorry I am Award free now. Feel free to replace my name with someone else…

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Loved the story Dulcy. All i can say is that you are too mature for your age😉 your story is filled with wisdom. You have a beautiful talent keep writing☺☺❤

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Your appreciation really means a lot…
Oh really 😊😊but I am still young at heart. I don’t know why but today I want to take ride on an elephant 😅😅
Thank you 💛😘


Feeling blessed to have people like you in my life, who care so much ❤😊
I agree I didn’t post for long because I was having my midterm exams and after that I was celebrating Diwali and Chaat (Indian festivals) with my cousins. I will surely post one story after a few days.
I have no words to express my gratefulness towards your caring nature. Thank you 🤗

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Hahaa no problem, feel free to post whenever you can. Even though you haven’t posted in a while, you have left us with many other wonderful writings to read 👍😂.

I was mainly visiting to say hello and to let you know that I didn’t forget about you hahaha

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You are welocme and thanks for notifying me. I just read it and I loved it 🙌😄. I event went to comment on it but I was not able to hahaha 🤣.

If it was your first time, you could have fooled me because that was one strong attempt at a first try, which just shows that people should not be underestimated and your eagerness and will to try new things is very adorable 💙💙


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