
Perfect Fit….

The trees and bushes had dressed with white veil,chimneys exhaling their black breath. The birds were shaking as if they were brushing off dirt from their clothes .Everyone was busy adorning themselves for Christmas. The four siblings were sneaking out of their balcony grill and deciding what to play next.Jim exclaimed ‘Ohoy! let’s make this Christmas memorable.Tim asked ‘How?’.’It will be a competition of making caps for ourselves.Will you all play?’said Jim.The other three replied in assertive .

Everyone ran towards the basket whose mouth was filled with wool. Sim, stepped back and waited thinking one-fourth will be left for him.Unfounately, his brother’s were not so as he thought. Jim the eldest brother took the most ,followed by Tim and Rim. Sim only got a handful of wool. He thought his cap would become small and he will loose the competition.

All the brothers were now set for turning their wool to yarn .They requested their grandma to spin wool to yarn.Grandma readily agreed and began spinning for each of them.Sim requested Jim to confer him some wool.Jim denied making an excuse that he is older than him so his cap would require more wool.Then he went and requested Tim,the second oldest son in family . He thought Tim is younger than Jim so he would require less and might offer some to him.Tim denying his request told, ‘if I offer you some then I will be in shortage. I have taken as much as I need”. Poor Sim was all disappointed and went to his third brother who was his only hope .Rim ,the third brother readily agreed and gave him the half he had.

Grandma spinned all their wool to yarn.The competition was then at the last phase.They all were determinedly knitting it to cute caps for themselves.

All the caps were knitted and the competition was over.”Let’s see who wins”said Jim grinninly who was all confident about his victory as he took ample amount of wool.”So, now let’s take a photograph wearing our caps” he added and started calling his father for clicking their photograph. “Dad? Dad where are you? Please click one photograph ,it’s going to be memorable “. He turned to his brothers and said “Remember boys, if your caps fit you perfectly you won!!”.

Sim took his cap and started walking on air!! His cap fitted him perfectly!! He noticed Rim, and he was also standing cheerfully. Sim and Rim started searching for the other two as they had got disappeared.” Ohoy Sim they are here!”Rim shouted . Jim and Tim’s caps were slightly bigger than their heads and they were looking funny wearing them. Sim and Rim, the winners started laughing uncontrollably . Seeing them laugh so much the losers too started laughing until a shutter sound was heard. A memorable photograph was captured in their father’s camera.

Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution.

– Stephen Covey

274 replies on “Perfect Fit….”

The great immersion in the way you depict these stories is like a masterpiece to me Dulcy, and every time I read them I remember every single one hahaha.

I love your stories and I am glad I got the blessed opportunity to read another one because the morales they demonstrate are very eye-opening and enlightening. In the name of Sim and Rim I tip my cap to you 🧢✌😂

Liked by 12 people

Thanks for your amazing comments and kind words, I am really overwhelmed to know that you remember every single story😇😇. Thats a great compliment.
Thanks a ton for your constant support and encouragements it really motivates me to write more and better. Stay thoughtful and keep sharing your posts and smiles always 😃😃💐💕💕

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Hahaha I smiled the entire time that I was reading this comment 🤣🤩🤩; you always brighten my day, you are immeasurably incredible as a person and very gifted Dulcy, and I apprecate your beautiful comment so much 🌹💖😂😂.

I am very happy to know that my words mean alot to you ❤ ❤ <3.

Liked by 5 people

Aww thanks, and same to you my friend — enjoy a lovely day 🌹💕😄.

Keep waring your Cap of creativity 🎓, your shoes of progress 👟 and your suit of resilience 🥻 ✌️😂

Liked by 4 people

Your support and blessings always works 🙏 thank for such great compliments always. Stay safe and blessed always and keep sharing your inspiring thoughts through your fabulous blogs as usual ❤😇😀😀💕

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Thanks a lot for stopping by and reading it as well as dropping such encouraging comments, this really means a lot. I am really fortunate to have such supportive blogger friends here like you 😇😇😀😀💕💕

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Thanks you sooooo much for the lovely comment and the support you always share with me, your appreciation really helped me to improve🤗
I am too blessed and fortunate to have someone like you😇😇
you too keep up your great work and stay safe 🌹😀


This is so beautiful again Dulcy 💖 you show how a story can be short meaningful and yet simple and lovely.

Serves the two bad ones just right for grabbing more than they required, they deserved it. But again all is forgotten in the joy of the festivity of Christmas, and ends in joy and laughter. The seasons description is written very beautifully too.

You have read “A Christmas carol”? Your story reminded me of that story 🙂

You write such nice stories, this was really very enjoyable. Keep writing such great stuff 💖

Liked by 6 people

Thanks a lot🙏 I really feel honoured to get such appreciations from a talented writer like you,😇😇I know I am not up to the mark but still I am trying to improve my writing skills. This has become possible just because of the support and encouragement from you all. Thanks again, have a great weekend ahead, enjoy 😀😀💕

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🙂 now I feel honoured. We are all just hobby writers right, just people who love to write.
Hope you become a big writer someday Dulcy, keep writing your lovely small and simple stories with big morals 💖

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We aRe Human
Without Caring
For Each Other
THeRe is No Lasting
Win for Anyone As We Rise
Together Holding Hands Together
Or We Fall
We See
Countries Falling
This Selfish Way
All through HiStory
We Need HeRStory
too One of Caring for
HiM to UnderstanD aS HeR
Thank You.. YeS A VEry Talented
And Precociously Wise Young Woman You
Are or Perhaps You come From a Different

Place than i do..

Seriously.. i Kid You
Not.. Where i am From it
Used to be called ‘Scratch Ankle’
For the Briar Bushes that Bloodied
Ankles coming on Shore of the BLACK WATER
River Banks Where i am Raised… Before that it was
Literally Named HELL as Folks Were Just Plain Mean

With Almost No Soul…

Like People Who Are
Such Wimps in Souls
They will Not Even Lift
A Mask to Save their
Neighbors And Loved
Ones too… Deep Singing
Dulcy Singh Don’t Stop
Your Creativity Just Because
You Are Obviously one day gonna Be Rich

And Famous
As You already
Are For What

of Creativity
Bright in All You Do
Helping Others Knit
Their Caps to Stay Warm
And Super Cool and Friendly too..:)

Liked by 4 people

Wow!!!!!!!!!! 🤩😇😇Such a wonderful poem, it has my name also, I am really glad to have such an amazing blogger friend like you. Thanks a lot for the support you always gave through your fabulous poetry. Have a great weekend ahead 😀 💕💕

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Is it really your own thinking. If yes then you have reached a great level of story writing and deserves great great appreciation. Amazing story dulcy so wonderful. It’s amazing how you come upar with wonderful thought and make it into a story great 👏👏. The talent you have is so great 👏. Keep writing such beautiful stuffs 💓.

Liked by 7 people

Your constant support and encouragements really makes this possible, and I am fortunate to have someone like you who always reads my stories and appreciates it😇😇,
I would really appreciate your suggestions to improve my stories if you have for me. Thanks a lot 💐
Keep up your great work too, I keep on waiting for your posts, have a great weekend ahead 😀😀💕

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Areee reading these kind of beautiful sotries make me feel good and i am not eligible to suggest you something regarding sotries bcoz you are much superior than me in this but i want to say
that focus on ending that it should be beautiful and up to expection to those who are reading full story from start. It doesnt mean that you have written bad ending to your story it’s just a suggestion. Hope you had a great weekend ahead 💓

Liked by 4 people

Ya I totally agree I should focus on making ending more interesting and match the expectations of the readers. Thanks for your honest feedback 👍👍🏻😀 from next time I will surely work on it, till then goodbye, have a great weekend ahead 💕

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I was not saying that you didint reach up to expectations but always be cautious while writing endings but i know your story are always going to be amazing ✌💓 . Have a great time ahead 🤟

Liked by 3 people

I understood 😀 you have suggested me on a very important part, and It will surely help me to improve👍🏻. So a big big thanks to you 🤗🤗💕 keep helping me like this 💛

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Bahut sundar behen. Really loved how you have created such a beautiful story and with such an amazing message. Greed is one of the many sins that we as humans have been inflicted with. Just like Gandhi ji said, there’s enough for every man’s need but never enough for every man’s greed. Well done. 😇😇

Liked by 7 people

You appreciation really means a lot. Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my story. 💕
Thank you so much for nominating me dear.I really appreciate it and feel honoured but Sorry I am award free now .You can replace my name with someone else if you want 😊


Thanks a lot for stopping by and reading it as well as dropping such encouraging comments 😇😇😀 stay blessed and happy always. Keep sharing your thoughts and smiles like this always 😊 💕

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